Scheme based on Regression Analysis for the Determination of Power Flow Control Device Settings
A major challenge in the integration of a significant amount of wind generation is that the optimal locations for these resources, i.e. locations with high availability of wind often do not coincide with where the major loads are. Consequently, power has to be transmitted over significant distances to the load centers. However, the existing transmission infrastructure was often not designed to transmit power between these locations.
Power flow control devices such as Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) provide the opportunity to influence voltages and power flows. Hence, these devices allow making better usage of the existing transmission system and to artificially enhance the transfer capacity. This talk will focus on how to determine the near-optimal settings for these devices using a scheme based on regression analysis. In offline operation, a set of load and generation scenarios is used as input to the regression analysis to define a function which gives the dependency between the optimal device setting and a few key measurements. This enables the determination of near-optimal settings in real time operation using only the current values of the key measurements without the need for Optimal Power Flow.