Constraint satisfaction methods in embedded system design
Constraints can be used to define embedded systems parameters,
requirements and specific design problem restrictions. They can be
further formalized using Constraint Programming (CP) models. These
models represent instances of Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP)
and can be solved using CP solvers. CP is relatively young area that
gains attention because of its flexibility to define different
problems and possibility of using both complete and heuristic methods
for their solving. Moreover, CP offers global constraint, such as
scheduling constraints, that implement specific algorithms for
efficient handling of a given class of problems. This provides an easy
way to use several advanced algorithms in one problem that is
difficult or time consuming in pure heuristic solutions. In this
talk, we will concentrate on finite domain constraints and the related
constraint programming framework. We will illustrate it with classical
examples from embedded systems, such as scheduling, design mapping,
register and memory allocation.
Presentation Slides
Biography:Krzysztof Kuchcinski is a professor of Computer Science at the
Department of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden. He received
the MSc (1977) and PhD (1984) in computer engineering and computer
science from Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. In 1986, he
joined Linköping University (Sweden) where he served as Director of
Computer-Aided Design Laboratory (CADLAB) and he become the professor
of computer systems in 1999. He currently works at Lund University
where he is the Head of the Department of Computer Science and leads
the Embedded Systems Design Laboratory (ESDlab). His research
interests concentrate on design methods for embedded systems at the
architectural level, and in particular, on embedded system analysis
and synthesis, reconfigurable computing, and design modeling and
evaluation. Prof. Kuchcinski is a co-developer of a CP solver JaCoP
that is used, among others, to solve embedded system design
problems. He is also a co-author of the book on "System Synthesis with