System Design – From Requirements to Implementation
The design of cyber-physical systems by successive refinements starts from a set of requirements and incrementally adds design decisions till implementation is built. Equation based languages are essential to support with rigorousness these decisions and enable a formal exploration of the solution space.
For real industrial cases, none of the current equation based language is capable of covering the entire design flow and different languages must be used. In this talk some of the current gaps and challenges will be described and partially addressed.
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Biography:Alberto Ferrari, General Manager and co-founder of ALES S.r.l. (now a UTC company), received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Bologna, Italy. In 1995, he had been a visiting fellow at the EECS Department of University of California at Berkeley and at the SGS-Thomson Berkeley Labs. In 1997, he joined the PARADES EEIG research laboratory in Rome, Italy. He has consulted several companies such as BMW, Magneti Marelli, ST Microelectronics, Daimler, Cadence and UTC on design methodology and architecture for embedded real-time systems. Since 2008, he is teaching Embedded Systems at the University La Sapienza. In 2009 he co-founded ALES and directed it until its acquisition by UTC, in 2012. He has been part of the ARTISTII, ArtistDesign and Hycon European Networks of Excellence. He has been the technical coordinator of PARADES in the SPEEDS and COMBEST EU projects. He is currently coordinator of ALES in the SPRINT, DANSE and MBAT EU projects. He is author of several papers on design tools and methodologies for embedded systems, safety-critical embedded controllers and hybrid systems.