Network reconstruction using dynamical structure functions
In this talk, we will firstly introduce network reconstruction problem and review a number of ODE-based approaches. Motivated by the gap between input-output data and underlying network structure, we define a new representation: dynamical structure functions, which encode structural information. Furthermore we explore the properties of such a representation for solving the reconstruction problem. Moreover, we propose and study a number of theoretical problems: identification, realisation, reduction, etc. for dynamical structure functions and show that how these theoretical results can shed light on network reconstruction problems. Finally we illustrate the results on a number of in-silico examples.
Presentation Slides
Biography:Ye Yuan was born on October 1986. He received his B.Eng. degree (Valedictorian) from the Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2008, M.Phil. and Ph.D. from the Department of Engineering, Cambridge University in 10.2009 and 2.2012 respectively. Ye was a visiting student at University of New Mexico, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine and Caltech.