Insights on Applicability of MBSE & Use of MBSE in Optimization of System Design
Modeling is used in a variety of ways in system development. In the past 15 years I have been studying the effectiveness of various model-based techniques and also developing techniques forenhancing their effectiveness. In this talk I will summarize the insights in which contexts model-based development is effective. Also, I will present an approach where model-based techniques are the basis for quality-driven multi-objective optimization of system architectures. This approach addresses multiple design system level quality design objectives that are commonly important in system design such as performance, safety, reliability, availability. I will conclude with views on the developments that are needed in development environments for model-based development in system engineering.
Presentation Slides
Biography:Michel R.V. Chaudron *is currently full professor and head of the Software Engineering Division at the joint department of Computer Science and Engineering of Chalmers and Gothenborg University in Sweden. Prior to that, he worked at Leiden University and TU Eindhoven in The Netherlands. From 1997 to 1999, he worked with CMG (now CGI) as a consultant in Transport Telematics. During his M.Sc. he spent one year at the PRG of Oxford University with Turing-award winner Prof. C.A.R. Hoare. He has a Ph.D. degrees from Leiden University, The Netherlands. He was visiting researcher at Imperial College in London. Prof. Chaudron’s research interests are in software architecture, software design, software modelling and model-driven software development with a special interest in empirical studies into the effectiveness of modelling and design, component-based software engineering. He has published more than 100 papers in these areas. He has been active member of several conferences in these areas including CBSE, MODELS, Euromicro-SEAA, ESEM.