Functional Development with Modelica
In the early phase of the product development, it is crucial to quickly and accurately evaluate a systems overall performance in order to fully define and optimize viable system and functional architectures. The presentation explains the development steps for an embedded controller. Typically, the behavior of a dynamic system (plant and controller) is in general to complex to treat by theory or formulas. Several simulation methods has established for analyzing such systems.
The presented virtual integration method allows to model and simulate the entire system, and thus the validation of the design decisions in an early phase of the development. This approach is conducted on a model in equation based languages to gain knowledge about the (intended) real system behabior. Such an abstraction typically allows to focus on the main properties and their effects of the studied multi-domain system.
The new approach of virtual integration is demonstrated for the development of a control algorithm for an embedded controller. The entire system - both the plant and the control components – is designed with the modeling language Modelica. All necessary activities are presented for the role of the function developer and explained for the example traffic light controller for a simple intersection.
The virtual integration method usualy combines components that require specific domain solvers for mechanical, electrical, etc. components, and, consequently, is based on the co-simulations, described in [1, 4]. There is a rather hugh literature on the Vee-Model and systems engineering, see e.g. [5, 3, 2]. For more general introduction see, e.g., [6, 7].
[1] Stefan-Alexander Schneider Andreas Maier. Grundlagen, Methoden und Anwendungen in Modellbildung und Simulation. Tagungsband ASIM 2011, 2011.
[2] R. Haberfellner, Olivier L. de Weck, E. Fricke, and S. Vössner. Systems Engineering – Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Orell Füssli Verlag, Zurich, 12th edition edition, January 2012. ISBN 978-3-85743-998-8.
[3] Richard Harwell. Systems Engineering, A Way of Thinking, A Way of Doing Business, Enabling
Organized Transition from Need to Product, 1997. [Online; August 1997].
[4] H. Palm Stefan-Alexander Schneider, B. Schick. Virtualization, Integration and Simulation in the Context of Vehicle Systems Engineering. In Embedded World 2012 Exhibition & Conference Proceedings. Weka Fachmedien, 2012.
[5] Tim Weilkiens. Die Rolle des Systems Engineerings.
[6] Wikipedia. Systems Engineering — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2012. [Online; Status 13 May 2012].
[7] Wikipedia. V-Modell — Wikipedia, Die freie Enzyklopädie, 2012. [Online; Stand 29. März 2012].
Presentation Slides
BMW AG (since 2003), process development for functional and software development, process and development of methods for modeling multi-domain physical systems at BMW AG, in particular with the programming language Modelica, functional co-simulation of multi-disciplinary applications in the early stages of product development, process and method development and qualification method (method VASE) for controlled and regulated systems, development of modeling standards and methods manuals, BMW-training coach for model-based software development
Axxom Software AG (2001-2003), Senior System Analyst, customized consulting and solution implementation, design and development of mathematical optimization methods, research project „new combinatorial optimization algorithms in the logistics“ within the Förderprogramms Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik der Bayerischen Staatsregierung zusammen mit TUM (FAST)
Infineon Technologies AG (2000-2001), development engineer, field memory products, department of advanced technology software, support of development departments through project-specific customization and support of commercial software programs
Technische Universität München (1995-2000), Promotion Adaptive Soluction of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations by Hierarchical Tensor Product Finite Elements, Scientific Computing, Informatik und Mathematik, Dr. rer. nat. (magna cum laude), applied and computational mathematics for ordinary and partial differential equations and fluid mechanics