Dynamical models for industrial controls: use cases and challenges
This presentation will introduce a few cases of industrial model-based controls in which model development has been critical for implementation success. Then, a brief description will be given of desired model properties for advanced controls, especially when dealing with formal optimization processes. Finally, a sample of the main challenges faced by modelling practices for industrial controls will be discussed.
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Fernando earned the Aeronautical Engineer degree from La Plata University (Argentina), and M.S. and PhD degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Purdue University.
Early in his career Fernando worked for the Argentine Space Agency developing mechanical tests, and virtual sensing techniques for satellites. He joined GE Global Research in 2002 and has worked as a Control System Engineer in a variety of applications, including startup of power plants, combustion in gas turbines, water desalination with wind energy, cloth drying machines and aircraft engines. He has over 20 publications and filed 7 patents.
Fernando has developed power plant controllers with nonlinear model predictive control technology. His research developments include real time optimization, software architectures for dynamical models and predictive controls. He is currently leading multidisciplinary programs for wind turbines blade design, coordinating aerodynamics, structures, materials and control technologies.