Automated configuration and validation of networked refrigeration systems
Claus Thybo, Danfoss
Abstract. Danfoss is one of the world leading producers of components forrefrigeration and air-conditioning systems. The addressed industrialchallenges are motivated by lifetime costs in the application. Where thefocus of the previous decade has been on optimizing the efficiency ofthe components, the current focus move towards a how we can optimize theapplication by adding intelligence to the components. The presentationwill illustrate the challenges and approaches of lifetime costoptimization in novel case studies.
Biography. Claus Thybo is R&D Director at the technology department forrefrigeration and air-conditioning at Danfoss.He got his M.Sc. and his Ph.D. degree in automatic control from AalborgUniversity in 1991 and 2000 respectively. He's main focus is on systemoptimizing control of refrigeration systems.