Next Generation Software Systems for Mobile Devices
Johan Eker, Ericsson
Abstract. With the introduction of increasingly parallel hardware inthe mobile space, established paradigms for embedded softwareare being challenged. Evolutionary changes of existingmethodologies and tools are doomed to fail and the situationcalls for new ideas and concepts. The problem of resource allocation,which is complicated forthe uniprocessor case, becomes even more complex withmultiple, possibly heterogeneous, cores. Traditionally,systems are carefully tuned by hand for a number of uses. Theincreasing complexity of mobile handset software, paired withthe likewise more complex hardware, makes manual resourceallocation infeasible.
Biography. Johan Eker is a senior researcher at Ericsson Researchworking at the mobile platforms unit in Lund Sweden. Hereceived his Ph.D in automatic control from Lund Universityin 1999. After a brief stint in industry he joined thePtolemy group at UC Berkeley in 2001, where he, among otherthings, worked with the design of the CAL Actor Language thatis part of the upcoming ISO/MPEG RVC standard. Since 2003 hehas been with Ericsson Research working onembedded software for mobile phones.