Integration and control of distributed units in the future energy system
Tommy Mølbak, Dong Energy
Abstract. Energy production will be based on renewable sources in the future, and many of these sources will be of non controllable nature. In Denmark, and in many other contries, wind power is and will increasingly be a significant part of the production capacity. Large amounts of wind power will lead to power imbalances in the energy system, and leave the challenge of storing power. It is the ambition of DONG Energy to develop control systems that can integrate flexible units in to the overall operation of the power system - Electrical vehicles, heat pumps and small generators being some of the examples. The presentation will introduce the challenges in the future energy system and discuss some of the recent developments.
Biography. Tommy Mølbak is head of department of Modelling & Optimisation in DONG Energy. He got his M.Sc. and his Ph.D. in automatic control from Aalborg University in 1987 and 1990 respectively. His main focus is on plant and fleet control in the energy system.