Workshop on Control of Computing Systems
Co-Organized by the FP7 NoE ArtistDesign
December 5-7, 2011
Performance and resource management in computing systems is increasingly important in everything from server systems in data centers to embedded systems. During recent years the use of feedback control techniques has attracted an increased attention both in academia and industry as a means for for realizing this.
The objective of this workshop is to gather leading researchers in the field from both the control amd the computing communities. Our aim is to create an environment for cross-fertilization and new ideas.
The workshop will be held at the Old Bishop's Palace at Biskopsgatan 1 in Lund (map). On Sunday December 4 at 5-7 pm there is a welcoming reception. In addition to the three day workshop the two following days (December 8-9) are set aside for further discussion, seminars etc at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund University.
The following speakers have confirmed their participation:
- Tarek Abdelzaher, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Energy Optimization and Stability in Green Data Centers
- Karl-Erik Årzén, Lund University - Control Aspects in Adaptive Multicore CPU Management
- Luca Benini, University of Bologna - Managing SoCs beyond their Thermal Design Power: Model-Predictive Control and Model Learning
- Enrico Bini, Scuola Superiore St'Anna - Optimal Sampling in Linear Control Systems
- Anton Cervin, Lund University - Towards Event-Based Control of Server Systems
- Yixin Diao, IBM - Designing Feedback Control Systems for Service Delivery Management
- Johan Eker, Ericsson Research - Feedback control in mobile phones and telecom systems
- Erik Elmroth, Umeå University - Management challenges for (multi-)cloud environments
- Gerhard Fohler, TU Kaiserslautern - Control Aspects in Adaptive Video Streaming
- Jim Håkansson, Ericsson - Load regulation in telecommunication payment system
- Karl Henrik Johansson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm - Converging dynamical networks with applications to peer-to-peer video streaming and social networks
- Niklas Karlsson, Advertising.com Group - Feedback Control and Optimization in Online Advertising
- Jeffery Kephart, IBM - The Utility of Utility: Policies for Autonomic Computing
- Maria Kihl & Anders Robertsson, Lund University - Peformance modelling and control of database servers in a multi-tier environment
- Mike Lemmon, University of Notre Dame - Efficient Attentiveness in Quantized Event-Triggered Control Systems
- Jie Liu, Microsoft - Power Budgeting for Virtualized Data Centers
- Martina Maggio, Polytechnico di Milano - Feedback control as a design framework for computing systems components
- Luigi Palopoli, University of Trento - Adaptive Resource Reservations: Theory and Applications
- Zebo Peng, Linköping University - Integrated Optimization for Computer/Control Codesign
- Eric Rutten, INRIA - Discrete control of computing systems
- Bruno Sinopoli, Carnegie Mellon University - Models and Control Strategies for Data Centers in the Smart Grid
- Rolf Stadler, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm - Scalable resource management for large cloud environments
- Toshimitsu Ushio, Osaka University - Overload Management of Control Tasks by Job Skipping
- Bo Wahlberg, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm - Performance evaluation of ultrafast computer based trading systems
- Zhikui Wang, HP Labs - Multi-scale thermal control and optimization problems in data centers
- Björn Wittenmark, Lund University - Sample-induced delays in synchronous multirate systems
- Xiaoyun Zhu, VMWare - Opportunities and Challenges in Applying Control Theory to Virtualized Infrastructure Management