LCCC focus period and workshop in Information and Control in Networks
From October 1 to November 2, 2012, LCCC will be hosting a focus period on Information and Control in Networks. The focus period will include a workshop with approximately 25 distinguished speakers, to be held at the Old Bishop's Palace, Lund, from October 17 to October 19, 2012.
In control of complex networked systems, a central role is played by information. The system dynamics and the information flows evolve in an intertwined way. While control theory and information theory have traditionally developed independently from each other, the need for a convergence of the two has strongly emerged in the last years, and is now a very active research field. In addition to efforts in control and information theory, strong research is witnessed in computer science, mathematics, mathematical statistics. The aim of this focus period is to bring together leading researchers from some of these communities to create exciting cross-fertilization and new ideas. At any particular time, there will be room for up to 10 invited researchers. A typical visit will be 2-5 weeks. Interested visitors are encouraged to contact Giacomo Como <giacomo.como@control.lth.se> or Bo Bernhardsson <bob@control.lth.se>.
Scientific committee
Confirmed workshop speakers
Confirmed visiting scholars
Saverio Bolognani, Università di Padova
Chithrupa Ramesh, KTH
Sam Coogan, Berkeley
Prof. Subhrakanti Dey, University of Melbourne
Alireza Farhadi, University of Melbourne
Federica Garin, INRIA
Paolo Minero, Notre Dame
Vinith Misra, Stanford
Mojtaba Nourian, Mc Gill
Tobias Oechtering, KTH
Se Yong Park, Berkeley
Naci Saldi, Queen's University
Nevroz Sen, Queen's University
Ye Yuan, Cambridge
Ali Zaidi, KTH