Focus period 4: Distributed Model Predictive Control and Supply Chains (May 3–28)
One of the most important areas of development in control engineering during the past two decades is model-predictive control, a technique to use mathematical models for real-time optimization. The range of applications has grown and the theoretical understanding has improved. The main bottle-neck for the technique is computational complexity. This has created a strong incentive to look for distributed solutions, which would simplify computations, communication and analysis. In particular, it would be possible to extend current methods for optimized operation of industrial plants, to also include the supply chains that connect different plants with each other.
Workshop on Distributed Model Predictive Control and Supply Chains (May 19–21)
The workshop will be held at the Old Bishop's Palace. On Tuesday May 18 at 5-7pm there is a welcoming reception at the Pufendorf Institute at Biskopsgatan 3 in Lund (map). The workshop program is now available.
- Frank Allgöwer, Universität Stuttgart
- Johan Åkesson, Lund University
- Sergey Dashkovskiy, Universität Bremen
- Ton de Kok, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- Moritz Diehl, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Lars Grüne, Universität Bayreuth
- Per-Olof Gutman, CEA-LIST and Technion
- Anders Hansson, Linköping University
- Kurt Jörnsten, Norges Handelshøyskole
- Carl Laird, Texas A&M University
- Marco Laumanns, ETH Zürich
- Jan Maciejowski, Cambridge University
- Manfred Morari, ETH Zürich
- Jörg Rambau, Universität Bayreuth
- Anders Rantzer, Lund University
- Jim Rawlings, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Jakob Stoustrup, Ålborg Universitet
- Anders Thorstenson, Århus University
- Pravin Varaiya, UC Berkeley
- Joakim Wikner, Jönköping University
- Fabian Wirth, Universität Würzburg