Workshop on Distributed model predictive control and supply chains
Tuesday, May 18
17:00-19:00 | Welcoming reception at the Pufendorf Institute at Biskopsgatan 3 in Lund (map). |
Wednesday, May 19
08:30 | Registration at the Old Bishop's Palace at Biskopsgatan 1 in Lund (map) |
09:10 | Opening by Anders Rantzer, LCCC coordinator |
09:20 | Cooperation-based optimization of industrial supply chains
James Rawlings, University of Wisconsin
Real-time Optimization for Distributed Model Predictive Control
Manfred Morari, ETH Zürich
10:30 | Coffee |
11:00 | Deferment Control for Reoptimization – How to Find Fair Reoptimized Dispatches
Jörg Rambau, Universität Bayreuth
Distributed Control in Transportation and Supply Networks
Marco Laumanns, ETH Zürich
12:10 | Lunch |
14:15 | Discussion |
14:45 | Value-based Q(s, S) policy for joint replenishments
Anders Thorstenson, Aarhus University
15:20 | Coffee |
15:50 | Optimizing Supply Chains: A Life Cycle Perspective
Ton de Kok, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Supply chain modelling structures – Is physical logical?
Joakim Wikner, Jönköping University
17:00 | End of the Day |
Thursday, May 20
09:10 | Parallel Solution of Nonlinear Programming Problems on Emerging Architectures
Carl Laird, Texas A&M University
Modeling and Optimization with Optimica and JModelica.org—Languages and Tools for Solving Large-Scale Dynamic Optimization Problems
Johan Åkesson, Lund University/Modelon AB
10:20 | Coffee |
10:50 | Towards Parallel Implementation of Hybrid MPC - A Survey and Directions for Future Research
Anders Hansson, Linköping University
A distributed NMPC scheme without stabilizing terminal constraints
Lars Grüne, University of Bayreuth
12:00 | Lunch |
13:45 | Discussion |
14:15 | Multiplexed Model Predictive Control
Jan Maciejowski, University of Cambridge
14:50 | Coffee |
15:20 | Hierarchical MPC control for Plug-and-Play resource distribution
Jakob Stoustrup, Aalborg University
Modeling and stability of supply networks
Sergey Dashkovskiy, University of Bremen
16:30 |
End of session |
18:20 | Gathering at Bangatan 14 (next to Ica Kvantum Malmborgs) (map) |
19:00 | Workshop dinner at Häckeberga Castle |
Friday, May 21
09:10 |
Risk-Aware Active Traffic Management
Pravin Varaiya, UC Berkeley
Optimal Traffic Control Synthesis for an Isolated Intersection
Per-Olof Gutman, CEA/Technion
10:20 | Coffee |
10:50 | Cost Allocation to Achieve Collaborative Transportation Solutions
Kurt Jörnsten, The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
Logistics, queueing networks and model reduction
Fabian Wirth, Universität Würzburg
12:00 | Lunch |
13:15 | Discussion |
13:45 | Inexact SCP Methods for Hierarchical Optimization of Decomposable Systems
Moritz Diehl, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
14:20 | Coffee |
14:50 | Model Predictive Control: Robustness and Time Delays
Frank Allgöwer, University of Stuttgart
Distributed Synthesis and Validation of Model Predictive Controllers
Anders Rantzer, Lund University
16:00 | End of workshop |