Junqiang (James) Fan, UTC Climate, Controls & Security
Control design and verification with physics based models for HVAC/R applications
A model-based control design and verification process is applied for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC/R) systems. The process covers each stage from requirements, to dynamic modeling, to control design and verification, and finally to product launch. Physics-based dynamic modeling is a key step to enable robust control design and performance evaluation. This process has been demonstrated in many new United Technologies’ product developments with significant control performance improvement. 3 typical HVAC/R examples (a transportation refrigeration system, a supermarket refrigeration system, and a residential HVAC system) will be presented to illustrate the effectiveness of this model based design process.
Junqiang (James) Fan received his B. Eng., M. Eng., and Ph.D. respectively from Zhejiang University, Shenyang University of Technology, and the University of British Columbia. Dr. Fan is currently a Fellow at United Technologies Climate, Controls & Security (UTC CCS), and is responsible for model based tools and methods in controls and diagnostics. He has 23 years of R&D experience in industrial automation systems and control systems, and his control designs reside on numerous industrial installations around the world. Prior to joining UTC CCS, he worked for United Technologies Research Center (UTRC), Honeywell, Carnegie Mellon University, and Chinese Academy of Sciences. He won 3 Outstanding Achievement Awards from UTRC, 2 Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards from Honeywell, and one Industrial Research Fellowship from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. He has been a Senior Member of IEEE since 2007, and holds 9 granted and 11 pending U.S. patents, and has published his research findings in 15 publications.