Learning and Adaptation for Sensorimotor Control: Workshop Program
Wednesday 24 October
08:45 | Introduction |
09:00 | Learning in the field how to soar like a bird
Terrence Sejnowski, Salk Institute and University of California at San Diego
Safe model-based learning for robot control
Felix Berkenkamp, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
10:20 | Coffee |
10:40 | Measuring motion complexity and its applications to learning of motion skills.
Il-Hong Suh, Hanyang University, Korea
Accumulation of evidence to a decision boundary in an active sensorimotor behavior
Mathew Diamond, International School for Advanced Studies, Italy
12:00 | Lunch |
14:00 | Positive feedback regulation
Rodolphe Sepulchre, University of Cambridge, UK
Universal laws and architectures in complex networked systems
John Doyle, Caltech, USA
15:20 | Coffee |
15:40 | How to make artificial agents a bit more like us
Hedvig Kjellström, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
Sensorimotor control as the result of the synergistic coupling of feedback and feedforward control through counterfactual errors
Paul Verschure, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
17:00 | End of day |
Thursday 25 October
09:00 | The post-natal development of hippocampal networks for memory and space
Thomas Wills, UCL, UK
It takes two to tango: Cerebellar modules and learning rules
Chris de Zeeuw, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam
10:20 | Coffee |
10:40 | We Don't Need No Annotation: Efficient Training for Image Retrieval
Ondrej Chum, Czech Technical University, Prague
Efficient AI: Probabilistic machine learning and control
Patrick van der Smagt, Technical University of Munich and Volkswagen Group, Germany
12:00 | Lunch |
14:00 | Control of food intake, appetite and satiety
Marie Csete, Caltech, USA
Investigating animal locomotion using mathematical models and biorobots
Auke Ijspert, Biorobotics Laboratory, EPFL,Lausanne
15:20 | Coffee |
15:40 | Learning to control the linear quadratic regulator
Ben Recht, UC Berkeley
16:20 | Discussion |
17:00 | End of lectures |
Workshop Dinner at Hypoteket (Kyrkogatan 13) 19h00 |
Friday 26 October
09:00 | Adaptive Control — A Perspective
Karl Johan Åström, Automatic Control, Lund University
Assembling stochastic quasi-Newton algorithms using Gaussian processes
Thomas Schön, Uppsala University, Sweden
10:20 | Coffee |
10:40 | Some outstanding challenges in reinforcement learning
Csaba Szepesvari, University of Alberta, Canada
Collective computation and learning in nonlinear networks
Jean-Jacques Slotine, MIT
12:00 | Lunch |
14:00 | Brain circuitry analysis of self-organizing interfaces between the brain and the external world
Henrik Jörntell, Neural Basis of Sensorimotor Control, Lund University
Action-based learning in sensorimotor systems
Per Petersson, Integrative Neurophysiology, Lund University
15:20 | Coffee |
End of workshop | |